Root Forms


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red_root_1.jpg (21468 bytes) Name: Beauty Lie Within
Unknown root bur
Source: Dead tree, Hong Kong
Dimensions: 12" dia X 9" tall
Turned: Hong Kong - 1993
Fuge Collection
stumper_and_kisses.jpg (33099 bytes) Name: Mr. Stumper
Birch root burr
Source: Lot clearing, Mendham, USA
Dimensions: 13" dia X 15" tall
Turned: Green, USA - 1999
Price: $ 200
swamp_mohogany_vase_2.jpg (20030 bytes) Name: Wild Water View
Swamp Mahogany
Source: Dead tree, Hong Kong
Dimensions: 12" dia X 18" tall
Turned: Hong Kong - 1994
Price: $ 300
wild_root.jpg (22348 bytes) Name: Wild Hand
Unknown root burr
Source: Dead tree, Hong Kong
Dimensions: 13" dia X 11" tall
Turned: Hong Kong - 1996
Wischmann Collection
birch_balloon_small_side.jpg (46392 bytes) Name: Planet Pewter
Birch Burr/Pewter
Source: Lot clearing, Mendham, USA?
Dimensions: 9" dia X 4" tall
Turned: USA - 2000
Price: $ 200

birch_balloon_small_inside_view.jpg (44845 bytes)

birch_balloon.jpg (42897 bytes)

Name: Hot Air Balloon
Birch root burr/Imbuya
Source: - lot clearing Mendham, USA
Dimensions: 9" dia X 7" tall
Turned: USA - 1998
Price: $ 700
antique-root-ball.jpg (24982 bytes) Name: Antique Root Burr
Source: Mountain walk Hong Kong
Dimensions: 12" dia X 7" tall
Turned: 1993 - Hong Kong
Price: $ 550
a75.jpg (38140 bytes) Name:  Kingsbrook  1
Source: Yard Clearing
Dimensions: 8" dia X 11" tall
Turned: USA - 2000
Price: $ 200
a76.jpg (40728 bytes)

Fuge's Wild Woods

This website was updated on: October 22, 2004
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